Access Novicate's subject resources, all in one place
We teach you exactly how to apply your knowledge to questions, so you can maximise your exam marks.
Novicate Educators have studied VCAA study designs, written and marked 100s of questions.
If paying by year: You have until the end of the VCE subject exam (If 1/2 - Then until end of school year)
If paying by term: You have until the end of the upcoming term, unless you pay for the following term
All of Novicate’s tutoring programs are designed to a high Raw 40+ level. This means they go through VCAA-assessable content at a level comprehensive and complex enough to achieve that score.
For students scoring B’s, C’s and even D’s: These programs do the hard work for you and compiles all you’ll need to boost your VCE scores. With access to a Raw 50 tutor to get feedback on your answers, you’ll definitely see a rapid improvement in your answers as long as you put in the work.
For students scoring A’s: These programs will take you from Raw 40+ standard and give you a clear structure on what a Raw 50 standard looks like in terms of depth of content understanding, how to answer questions and how to approach revising for the exam.
Once you’re assigned a tutorial class group, that will be your group for the year.
If you can't make the occasional tutorial session DO NOT WORRY
We know student lives are hectic, which is why ALL sessions will be recorded and uploaded for you to review after! And of course, you'll be able to ask any questions afterwards in the Novicate discord hub.
If you know it will be extremely difficult to attend live classes but would still like to access the VCE Training Portal and get discord support
Then you should sign-up for the silver program, specifically designed for self-paced and independent study students.
As part of the Gold or Silver program you’ll get access to the private Novicate Biology Discord. There you’ll be able to post questions and get personalised answers from 0.1% VCE Educators and other high-achieving students. It’ll be like having a tutor in your pocket whenever you need until the final exams.
The silver programs has everything that the gold does, minus the weekly live classes (and live tickets to revision programs if you purchase the comprehensive options). Here’s how to decide between the two:
Usually students who are already high-performing and self-motivated, but are simply searching for premier structured resources and support answering questions choose the silver program.
For students who need extra support, more live attention and live classes with a consistent time to study each week, the gold program is a better option.
To show our commitment to maximising your VCE performance, we’re offering a guarantee - Join any of our programs and if you don’t improve your scores, we’ll provide free 1-on-1 tutoring until you do.
To be eligible for this guarantee you must:
Be an enrolled student
Have complete a Novicate Topic Test and uploaded your scores on the VCE Training Portal form
On your second Novicate Topic Test, if you notice a decline in your performance, then you can reach out to us via In your email you must provide evidence of (2.) and (3.)
You will then be allocated a 1-on-1 tutor who will work with you to create a new study plan. You will have, completely free, 30 minutes of tutoring each week until your scores improve.
You will be allowed, and even encouraged, to ask regular questions to the tutors in the Novicate discord as part of your VCE improvement process.
Novicate specialises only in VCE Sciences, currently VCE Biology and Chemistry.
Unlike other tutoring companies which spread their expertise thin across all subjects, Novicate has a team of VCE Educators highly experienced in researching, marking and writing 100s of questions in VCE Biology & Chemistry.
Novicate offers these subjects:
VCE Biology 1/2
VCE Biology 3/4
VCE Chemistry 3/4 (no 1/2 available as of 2024)
We’ve partnered with other specialised tutoring companies to provide you with support for the following subjects. If interested, fill out our contact form.
VCE English 1/2 and 3/4
VCE Physics 1/2 and 3/4