VCE schooling is already a tough 2 years. For students with aspirational academic & career goals, it is challenging finding the right VCE support that pushes them to achieve an above Raw 40+ mark.
Most tutoring lacks structure (which leaves students scattered) and use low-level resources appropriate for average-scoring students (which fails to guide students to a Raw 40+ standard). Even more importantly, most tutoring & schools focus primarily on teaching theory, while overlooking the other 50% of achieving high marks - Knowing how to apply this theory to test questions to score marks.
To solve this issue, Novicate was founded to synergise comprehensive Raw 40+ theory teaching with a focus on answering VCE questions.
Learn high-level VCE theory along with common questions for each topic.
This step-by-step approach to answering questions teaches students a clear test strategy
Learn from your mistakes again and again. Novicate tutors guide your answering skills weekly.
"Novicate's exceptional support and top-tier tutors transformed my biology struggles into confidence. Highly recommend to all VCE students!"
"Novicate's exceptional support and top-tier tutors transformed my biology struggles into confidence. Highly recommend to all VCE students!"
"Novicate's exceptional support and top-tier tutors transformed my biology struggles into confidence. Highly recommend to all VCE students!"