
How to Revise for VCE exams? A Guide from Raw 50 scorers

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Unsure how to start revising for exams
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Not sure how many practice exams to do
Scrolling clouds icon, often used to denote cloud computing or online data storage in Novicate's services.Red circle with the number '3', utilized as a design element in Novicate’s website interfaces to highlight primary steps or points.
Losing silly marks in SACs and want a strategy to improve
Scrolling clouds icon, often used to denote cloud computing or online data storage in Novicate's services.Blue circle with the number '4', utilized as a design element in Novicate’s website interfaces to highlight primary steps or points.
After advice from VCE PERFECT 50 Scorers

What to expect?

Three perfect 50 Scorer

graduates run

through their journeys.

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Teaching you pre-exam revision
Pointing hand icon, directing attention in VCE online tutoring platforms.
Teaching you exam-taking strategy
Pointing hand icon, directing attention in VCE online tutoring platforms.
Same MCQ - SAQ-taking strategy that PERFECT 50 scorers use
Pointing hand icon, directing attention in VCE online tutoring platforms.
On the day exam  strategy
Colorful Novicate logo featuring Earth wearing a graduation cap and holding a diploma, symbolizing academic achievement and success.
Blue diagonal line, a simple graphic element used in design for VCE study materials.Blue diagonal line, a simple graphic element used in design for VCE study materials.Blue diagonal line, a simple graphic element used in design for VCE study materials.

Our Passionate Tutors

Ruihan Huang

Biology & Chemistry

Ruihan Huang

Biology & Chemistry
Talk To Me
Raw 49 Biology and Raw 45 Chemistry
Doctor of Medicine at Monash
3+ years

Rohit Kakanoor

Student Support Executive

Rohit Kakanoor

Student Support Executive
Talk To Me

Kiyo Wong

Physics & Maths (Methods, Specialist)

Kiyo Wong

Physics & Maths (Methods, Specialist)
Talk To Me
Raw 50 Physics
DUX of McKinnon Secondary
Experienced writing & marking 1000s of Questions

Kiran Baireddy

Chemistry 3/4

Kiran Baireddy

Chemistry 3/4
Talk To Me
50 + Premier's (#1 in Victoria)
Medical Student
VCE Author
99.20 ATAR

Joey Ong

Chemistry 1/2

Joey Ong

Chemistry 1/2
Talk To Me
Dentistry Student
6+ Years Tutoring Experience
99.55 ATAR

Hayley Stanich

Qualified Teacher

Hayley Stanich

Qualified Teacher
Talk To Me
VCE Biology & Chemistry Study Author
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Experience writing & marking 1000s of VCE Questions

Dr Phillipe Adamtchek

Biology 3/4

Dr Phillipe Adamtchek

Biology 3/4
Talk To Me
Medical Doctor
VCE Author
Monash DUX

Amir Saleh

Biology 1/2

Amir Saleh

Biology 1/2
Talk To Me
Medical Student
VCE Author
99.20 ATAR

Aayushi Khillan

Psychology 3/4

Aayushi Khillan

Psychology 3/4
Talk To Me
50 + Premier's (#1 in Victoria)
MD-PhD Candidate
VCAA Board Member
99.90 ATAR (Chancellor's)

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